Dienstag, 13. März 2012

Phanes Creation - 19.03.2012

Es war ein Abend voller überraschender und intensiver Kontakt-Momente der beiden Tänzer. Aus der Einheit kommend war es der Kampf gegeneinander, aus dem heraus sie sich schließlich trennten.

Contact improvisation performance with the chance of drawing the story. Based of an ancient greek mythology of creation.
Setting of the performance:

In the beginning there was a silver egg, the world egg, in which all elements and oppositions were united. Phanes emerges out of the silver egg as the primal generator of the early cosmos. Phanes wanders around in the Gestalt of a beautiful monster with 2 sexes, 4 eyes, 4 horns, and golden wings, creating all the early beings. Once united, Phanes splits into Eros and Metis, the gods of love and wisdom.
 A work of Shintaro Yamakawa


Jens Grooth